EUGENIA PASTERNAK / Євгенія Пастернак (з дому Новаківська) 22 серпня 2011 року в Торонто померла Євгенія Пастернак (Eugenia Pasternak (nee NOWAKIVSKYJ)) (з дому Новаківська), колишня жителька нашого села. EUGENIA PASTERNAK (nee NOWAKIVSKYJ) Born January 8, 1919 in Fashchivka, Galicia, Ukraine, died August 22, 2011 at the Ivan Franko Home in Toronto after a lengthy illness. Married to Eugene Pasternak, P. Eng., (deceased). Dr. Eugenia Pasternak was the chief promoter and organizer of the first ethnic homes for seniors in Canada, President, Ukrainian Home for the Aged, 1961 - 1964; Director and Administrator, Ivan Franko Homes, 1964 - 1973; Executive Director, 1973 - 2008. A devoted Ukrainian patriot, teacher, administrator, and gerontologist, Dr. Pasternak was well-known in the Ukrainian community of Toronto and Ukraine. She was recipient of over 80 medals and awards, including the Order of Canada, the Shevchenko Medal from Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Presidential Medal of Ukraine, etc., as well as two honourary doctorates.